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Classy Niners Logo

We are a year-round club therefore interested lady golfers are welcome to join at any time during the year.  We accept all skill levels.  New members are provided a short orientation and assigned a mentor to ensure a smooth transition into our club.  Prospective members may play one time as a guest.


Our members play 9 holes of golf at the Sun City Shadow Hills South Course each Tuesday morning, and 9 or 18 holes on Fridays.  Tee times are adjusted seasonally to address hot summer weather or cooler winter weather.


During the fall/winter, we have a short meeting prior to our shotgun start on Tuesdays.  This is a time when we educate our newer golfers about golf etiquette, regulations, and other formalities.  Also this is when announcements are made about upcoming events and tournaments.  All members are invited to go to Shadows Restaurant for breakfast following golf on Tuesday morning. 


Each new member must complete an online membership application which can be accessed by clicking the button on the left. Membership dues are $71 annually ($41 SCGA GHIN and $30 club dues). Checks can be made payable to SCSH Classy Niners and deposited into the Classy Niners mailbox located inside the Montecito clubhouse, or paid using Zelle.  


All new members are required to join the Southern California Golf Association (SGCA) through which a USGA Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) number is issued.  The SCGA offers a "Multi-Member Rebate" for those who already have a GHIN number obtained through membership with another SCGA club.  Click here for more information, or contact SCGA Member Services at 818-980-3630 ext. 801 with specific questions.


Handicaps are used to create equitable teams during competitions, and also to match similar skilled golfers during regular play days.  We do not maintain a threshold by which any golfer's handicap must satisfy for membership.  We accept all skill levels.  We are happy to assist new members with establishing a handicap once membership has been approved.


Upon approval, new members are granted access to the "Members Only" pages of this website.  Members Only access is necessary to sign up to play golf, register for tournaments, and RSVP for luncheons.


In addition to club membership dues, new members may want to be included in the Par or Better, and/or Hole in One clubs.  More information regarding these programs is located under Resources on this website.


For further information or to ask any questions you may have, please click on the Contact Us page of this website, complete the form, and someone will get back to you shortly.

The Classy Niners is a private women's golf club organized for residents of Sun City Shadow Hills, Indio, CA

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